Managing State with the useState Hook in React

When you’re building apps in React, managing state is a big part of making your user interface dynamic and interactive. React offers the useState hook, a built-in tool that makes adding and managing state in functional components super simple. In this guide, we’ll break down how the useState hook works and how you can use it to manage state in your React projects.

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What is State in React?

Before getting into useState, let’s talk about what “state” actually means in React. In simple terms, state is data in a component that can change over time. It could be the value of a form field, whether a modal is open or closed, or the count of how many times a button has been clicked. When the state of a component changes, React re-renders it to show the new data on the screen.

What is the useState Hook?

The useState hook is a special function provided by React that lets you add state to functional components (before hooks, state was only managed in class components). Here’s what the basic syntax looks like:

  • state: This is the current value of your state.
  • setState: This is the function you use to update the state.
  • initialValue: The initial value when the component renders for the first time.

Using the useState Hook

Let’s go through an example where we build a simple counter that increases whenever a button is clicked:


Here’s what’s happening:

  • useState(0) creates a state variable called count with an initial value of 0.
  • setCount is the function that lets us update count.
  • When the button is clicked, setCount(count + 1) updates the count state by 1, and React re-renders the component with the new value.

Updating State the Right Way

It’s important to understand that state updates in React don’t happen instantly. When you call setState, React schedules a re-render of your component, and only after that re-render, the new state value is applied. Because of this, if you need to update state based on its previous value, it’s safer to use a function like this:


In this case, prevCount is the previous state value, and we use it to calculate the new one. This is especially useful when you have multiple updates happening close together, like with counters or forms.

Multiple useState Hooks

You can have more than one useState hook in a single component, each managing its own piece of state. Here’s an example with a form:


Best Practices for useState

  • Use meaningful state names: Don’t use generic names like data or info. Be specific, like isModalOpen or userEmail, so your code is easier to understand.
  • Initialize state correctly: Start with the correct value type. For example, use false for booleans, ” for strings, and [] for arrays.
  • Avoid unnecessary state: Only store data in the state if it’s needed to trigger a re-render. Derived values that can be calculated from other state variables shouldn’t be stored in state.


The useState hook is a core part of managing state in functional React components. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll find it much easier to build interactive user interfaces. Whether you’re handling a basic counter or a complex form, useState gives you the flexibility to manage state efficiently and effectively.

The more you use it, the more natural it will feel, and soon, managing state in React will become second nature!

I am a seasoned WordPress developer based in London with 9 years of experience in crafting visually stunning and highly functional websites for businesses and individuals worldwide. Currently, I serve as the CEO and Project Manager at Infix Digital Ltd, where we specialise in delivering top-notch web solutions.

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